miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

Second Loliday

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  Good morning , evening and night! Depending on when you are reading this post .

  I had my second loliday on 21st of December of 2014 , usually we celebrate the loliday* on the first saturday of June and December . But since not all of us are available to celebrate it on the actual date , we just move it to the date we , the majority of the lolitas in my comunity could be available to attend .

  So here I will tell you how our day was .

  The day was wonderful , we invited lots of our lolita friends , at the end there were only 6 , 7 including Yenny's niece , I actually loved it ! Even thought there were few people , we were talking lot's of funny things , and also about lolita and other non-lolita topics .

  I really enjoyed Britney's cookies and also Maria Le Lapinc Blanc's* designer who brought Canelitas cookies , and I who brought carrot cake made by myself , we all enjoyed this expierence ; specially Britney who was new to the community of El Palacio de Las Orquídeas , and we were so glad she was able to enjoy her first loliday , I am excited to see her dressing as a lolita for next time ! Also I am thankful for Kher who was the one encharged on bringing our bags -laughs- , and so it was a really wonderful day . If you are new and never had the chance to expierence a Loliday I encourage you to go to one , you'll be able to meet different lolitas and people , in which who knows if it turns out to be one of your best friends in the future !

  If you had gone to a Lolita reunion or more than once , ¿how was it or which was your favorite reunion?(the second question came from Maria's , and I would like to know your answer ^_^ ).

Here are some photos of the picnic
Photo by : Kher
A photo with Yenny's niece (Yenny is the girl with the red shirt)

Photo by : Kher
Our welcome to our new member Britney (orange shirt)

Photo by : Kher
Left to Right : Larson Bree (Britney) , Ana Chen , Sam (Samantha) , Maria Lemus ( designer of Le Lapin Blanc) , Yenny .

*Loliday : Lolita's day , it is celebrated on the first saturday of December and June .
  Le Lapin Blanc : A Venezuelan Lolita Brand founded by the designer María Lemus , on the 28th of August of 2014

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