miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

Proyectos 2015

  ¡Hola a todas y a todos! Aquí les tengo mis proyectos 2015 que desde diciembre están en marcha , y ... ¡Falta poco para que llegue 2015! Estoy muy felíz por ver las sorpresas que nos darán este nuevo 2015 , y les deseo lo mejor de lo mejor .
  Bien , primero déjenmes darle un preview de lo que más cercano tengo planeado para el 2015 .
  Empecemos con un cosplay que planeo hacer sin embargo más que cosplay es una inspiración del personaje . Adivinen ¿cuál? .(Disculpen la mala calidad de la foto).

   Para aquellos que no pudieron adivinarlo estoy en proceso de realizar la inspiración de Cerise Hood de Ever After High . La tela fue pintada por mí así como el degradado también lo hice yo misma .

  ¡Bien , ahora vayamos al siguiente proyecto !.

   El siguiente es bastante complicado y requiere ¡TIEMPO! Mucho , mucho tiempo . Esta planeada junto con la diseñadora de la marca Venezolana Lolita Bal Des Ifs ,y Elbereth Rojas una hermosa amiga lolita que nos ayudará a ser capaces de realizar este gran proyecto , sobre todo, ¡tratará sobre el hermoso cuento de hadas que publiqué en el blog ! Me siento extremadamente felíz con este proyecto además que un gran sueño para mi que esta por cumplirse gracias a ellas . 

  Pronto les daré un preview del primer vestido que se hará sobre las haditas . Y también les publicaré cómo hice el degradado de la tela para aquellas y aquellos que lo quieran intentar .

  ¡Felíz y próspero año nuevo les desea esta hadita roja , y que su 2015 este llena de sorpresas encantadoras !

  ¿Cuáles son sus proyectos para el 2015?

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

Red fairy and friends

jinggle bells jingle bells ~

  Red Fairy and her friends wish for everyone a happy christmas !

 ¡Hada Roja y sus amigos les desea felíz navidad a todos!



  Rote Fee und ihre Freunde wünschen Ihnen allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest

 빨간 요정과 그녀의 친구들은 모두 메리 크리스마스 소원!

 красный фея и ее друзья желаю вам всем счастливого Рождества

 Fata Tossa ei suoi amici vogliono a tutti voi un Buon Natale!

 röd älva och hennes vänner önskar er alla en god jul!

 Rouge Fée et ses amis vous souhaitent un Joyeux Noël!

Segundo Loliday

Post in English click here .

  Buenas mañanas , tardes y noches dependiendo de cuándo lean este post , hoy quisiera contarles mi experiencia en nuestro loliday* en Venezuela , el loliday normalmente se celebra el primer sábado de los meses junio y diciembre , sin embargo nosotras lo tuvimos que celebrar el 21 de diciembre del 2014 debido a que muchas de nosotras no podíamos coordinar nuestro horario para el actual día del loliday .

  Aquí les voy a contar mi experiencia en el loliday y espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo lo disfruté.

  Al principio hubo bastante receptividad por parte de la comunidad para asistir el domingo 21 , sin embargo al final asistimos 6 personas , 7 contando la sobrinita de nuestra amiga lolita Yenny , realmente gracias por su compañía fue bastante tierna y a la vez divertida , lo mismo con Britney , quién es nueva dentro de nuestra comunidad El palacio de las Orquídeas y estamos sumanente orgullosas y felices de que seas capaz de esperimentar tu primera reunión lolita y a la vez loliday , espero que la haya pasado bastante bien, también María (diseñadora de Le Lapin Blanc*) nos acompaña en nuestra reunión y a la vez aportándonos conocimientos e información sobre el mundo lolita . No hay que olvidar también a Kher aquél que nos ayudó a cargar nuestros bolsos -risas- , y también los postres que logramos disfrutar , fue bastante divertido y lleno de ricos dulces . No hay que olvidar que disfrutamos mucho conversando de tópicos lolitas y a la vez no lolitas .

  Si alguna vez tienen la oportunidad de ir a una reunión lolita o loliday y son nuevos en esto les recomiendo ir , realmente es muy divertida , pueden llegar a conocer distintas personas y a la vez aprender de ellas .¿Quién sabe si esa persona puede resultar uno de tus mejores amigos ?

  Si has visitado a una reunión lolita o a más de una , ¿ cómo fue o cuál es tu reunión favorita ? (La segunda pregunta fue hecha por María , y por lo tanto la hago para poder saber su respuesta ^_^).

Aquí algunas fotos del picnic:

Foto por : Kher
Una foto junto a la sobrinita de Yenny (camisa roja)

Foto por : Kher 
Dándo la bienvenida a nuestra nueva integrante del palacio de las orquídeas britney (camisa naranja)

Foto por : Kher
De izquierda a derecha : Larson Bree (Britney) , Ana Chen , Sam (Samantha) , María Lemus (Diseñadora de Le Lapin Blanc) , Yenny .

* Loliday : El día de las lolitas , se celebra cada primer sábado de los meses junio y diciembre .

  Le Lapin Blanc : Marca Venezolana Lolita fundada por la diseñadora Maria Lemus , el 28 de agosto del 2014 .

Second Loliday

Post en Español click aquí .

  Good morning , evening and night! Depending on when you are reading this post .

  I had my second loliday on 21st of December of 2014 , usually we celebrate the loliday* on the first saturday of June and December . But since not all of us are available to celebrate it on the actual date , we just move it to the date we , the majority of the lolitas in my comunity could be available to attend .

  So here I will tell you how our day was .

  The day was wonderful , we invited lots of our lolita friends , at the end there were only 6 , 7 including Yenny's niece , I actually loved it ! Even thought there were few people , we were talking lot's of funny things , and also about lolita and other non-lolita topics .

  I really enjoyed Britney's cookies and also Maria Le Lapinc Blanc's* designer who brought Canelitas cookies , and I who brought carrot cake made by myself , we all enjoyed this expierence ; specially Britney who was new to the community of El Palacio de Las Orquídeas , and we were so glad she was able to enjoy her first loliday , I am excited to see her dressing as a lolita for next time ! Also I am thankful for Kher who was the one encharged on bringing our bags -laughs- , and so it was a really wonderful day . If you are new and never had the chance to expierence a Loliday I encourage you to go to one , you'll be able to meet different lolitas and people , in which who knows if it turns out to be one of your best friends in the future !

  If you had gone to a Lolita reunion or more than once , ¿how was it or which was your favorite reunion?(the second question came from Maria's , and I would like to know your answer ^_^ ).

Here are some photos of the picnic
Photo by : Kher
A photo with Yenny's niece (Yenny is the girl with the red shirt)

Photo by : Kher
Our welcome to our new member Britney (orange shirt)

Photo by : Kher
Left to Right : Larson Bree (Britney) , Ana Chen , Sam (Samantha) , Maria Lemus ( designer of Le Lapin Blanc) , Yenny .

*Loliday : Lolita's day , it is celebrated on the first saturday of December and June .
  Le Lapin Blanc : A Venezuelan Lolita Brand founded by the designer María Lemus , on the 28th of August of 2014

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014

Oh My Ribbon!: El Lolita en los medios: Pautas ~ I Parte

  He estado vagando por ahí en los blogs de las lolitas y he encontrado algo muy importante con respecto al periodismo o a la hora de publicar un artículo sea informativo o argumentativo . Aquí les dejaré el blog de una lolita y a la vez periodista que nos describirá con mejor detalles aquellas pautas requeridas a la hora de aportar información o publicar un artículo relacionado con el estilo de moda Lolita :

Oh My Ribbon!: El Lolita en los medios: Pautas ~ I Parte: A raíz de un debate en el foro de Lolita in Wonderland, y de mi propia experiencia tanto como periodista como Lolita, he decidido redactar u...

Artículo redactado por : LaWi

Blog de La Wi : http://ohhmyribbon.blogspot.com.es/

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

Big Hero 6

  Hello Fairies & Spirits ! How have you been ? , today  I went to see BIG HERO 6 3D in Cinex Tolón , it was AWESOME ! , I really loved it , if you are looking for a badass , overlycute , fights , emotional and with a good plot movie you are 100% recommended to watch BIG HERO 6 . FOR THOSE WHO ARE GOING TO SEE IT AND NOT WANT SPOILERS PLEASE DO NOT READ .

  I know this post is not oriented to something lolita like , but I would like to variate things and share part of my likes with you , so that you can see me different and not someone who's just focused on the Lolita life style .

  Today I went to see it with my friends Irene , Ramón , Grecia , David , Jean Carlos , Ramon and Irene's father and Juan Pablo , their reactions were possitive toward the movie , and so my feedback will be . At first Irene and I were in dissagreement with the scenery and the ambientation of the movie which was a mix of San Francisco from USA and Tokyo from Japan ,still I love the fact that they were so creative with the city's name ; the designs of the characters were good but still if you notice they are similar or almost the same as previous movies in CGI of Disney (I don't know if you feel the same but the face of GOGO TOMAGO looked a lot like Elsa's face from FROZEN)  .

  The plot was REALLY amazing , I cried twice in the movie (which is difficult because I had only cried like 2-3 times because or a movie or serie), and BAYMAX really is my heroe , I really enjoyed it , they are not so childish like , because they actually reflected the complexity of the characters as Hiro the main character lost his brother . A part that I LOVED and still LOVE is that the movie was not the "always happy ending" , it ended greatly but still as I said before it takes great lost to make a hero born .

   Something I would like to comment is that their facial expression (the character's facial expesion) were actually very good , they were really well done ! , specially the facial expression of Hiro , and so I have really to make special focus is on the cuteness of BAYMAX it was the most adorable thing you could EVER imagine in your whole life ! , is a really warm and cute character which always makes the moments sweet and also sad .

  So for my final opinion , I would really say that it was one of the best movies I've ever seen in my whole life despite the fact of some little things that I didn't like much but still the fact that the plot was good , the characters and how excited I was while seeing it I would really rate it 9.5/10 .

Here another photo of Big Hero 6 :

From Left to right : Fred , GOGO Tamago , Baymax , Hiro , HoneyLemon , Wasabi.

Also I would like to share a photo of how
I was dressed I know is not something lolita but I would like to variate things sometimes.

Dress : New Bell
Bag : Sy&Co
Shirt :Guang Hua
Boots : SoloChicas

Question of the post : ¿Which move have you watched recently and how was it?

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Para aquellas y aquellos lectores y lectoras que hablan español ~

  Aquellas y aquellos interesados en leer mi blog pero que no poseen un dominio en inglés publicaré un link a parte en la parte superior de mi blog el cuál dice "posts en español" para que se sientan cómodos leyendo mi blog y sean libres de compartir sus opiniones sin llegar a insultos ni conflictos , después de todo mi blog tiene por objetivo informar y compartir , a la vez aprender de ustedes al mismo tiempo.

~ Muchas Gracias ~

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Venezuelan Lolita Brands

Para leerlo en español click aquí .

Bal Des Ifs :

Foundation : 13 of March of 2014
Designer : Ani Perdomo 
Category : Clothes & Accesories 
Concept : Bal Des Ifs is the most important social event of the XVIII century in France , where the Versailles Palace looses its formal etiquette turning into a place worthy of a fairy tale . Bal Des Ifs as a brand represents joy , magic , glamor and beauty inside the Lolita Fashion ,it gets its inspiration with history , literature , and the art , bringing to reality a fragment of the fantasy world and being able to be the royal member that is inside of each girl . 
Public Target : people that love classic lolita , mori kei ,hime lolita , aesthetics of baroque , rococo and victorian age .
Facebook : Bal Des Ifs

Bloody Mary Accesories :

Foundation : November 25th of 2011
Designer : Andreina Cárdenas
Category : Accesories 
Concept : Bloody Mary is an urban legend of a woman that suddenly appears on the mirror if you call her name three times . Their accesories are inspired on neovictorian and gothic . The accesories that they create are : wristbands , necklaces , rings and hair clips . 
Public Target : People that have taste for EGA , victorian , gothic lolita , classic lolita and steampunk .

El Closet De Las Lolitas:

Foundation : 27 of march of 2010
Designer : 'Zara'Vanessa Luy
Category : Accesories
Concept : Classic 
Public Target : People that like Classic Lolita

Golden Windrose:

Foundation : 23rd of September of 2012
Designer : Isabel La Rosa
Category : Clothes and Accesories 
Concept : Everything is focused on this poetic phrase : " Is a trip full of elegance throught the sea , guided by a golden compass that leads you to a hidden treasure that lies on a garden of roses . The brand is guided by creating unique pieces , creating a sensation of seeking your own adventure , creating your own story where the elegance , the most little details and the finishes are that compass which guides you on the road where lies your goal"
Public Target : Those people that have taste for gothic , classic , pirate and steampunk
Facebook : Golden Windrose

KuiKui Accesories :

Foundation : 21st of september of 2010
Designer : Andreina Cárdenas
Category : Accesories
Concept : KuiKui Accesories is a shop dedicated on designing various types of accesories that are kawaii , freaks , and sweet lolita . The accesories that are created are necklaces , wristbands , earrings , rings , key chains , purses , hair accesories , and others .
Public Target : People with sweet lolita taste .
Facebook : KuiKui Accesories

Le Lapin Blanc

Foundation : 28th of August of 2014
Designer : Maria Lemus
Category : Clothes and accesories
Concept : The white bunny of Alice in Wonderland is the metaphor that uses Le Lapin Blanc for honoring its main origin of inspiration : from the renascence to the 50's , passing throught the baroque , the neoclassicism and the Belle Époque , Le Lapinc Blanc tries to reflect on each colection part of the vast history of humanity either is the work of many people , or the achievements of an only person , in a series of pieces it is expected to be part of the customer's heart .
Public Target : People with tastes for Gothic Lolita , Classic Lolita , somber personalities , with class and lovers of season clothing (victorian , rococo , baroque , and so others)
Facebook : Le Lapin Blanc

Zashiki Store :

Foundation : 16th of September of 2011
Designer : Rebeca Parra
Category : Accesories.
Concept : Kawaii.
Public Target : People with taste for sweet lolita , casual lolita and decora lolita.
Facebook : Zashiki

Home page : Red Fairy

Fashion Show : Show me Your Fantasy World .

Show me your fantasy world:

   "This name was chosen because of the purpose of showing the creativity of each lolita when they create a topic for their coords , their favorite fantasy world." - by Isabel La Rosa Administrator of El Palacio de Las Orquídeas .

   On the 21st of November 2014 , our community of "El Palacio de las Orquídeas" showed on Caracas Comic Con's stage a fashion show , that not only included modeling , but also a section where you can answer the public's question and doubts about the lolita fashion which Elbereth Rojas (Beri-chan) a beautiful lolita of our community was in charge of the answers , and so she did a great job not only as our representative for the event but also being part of the community's stand .

  Caracas Comic Con was always a Convention focused on literature like Hunger Games and Harry Potter , Comics like Marvel and DC ; and Anime&Manga like pokemon , death note , etc. This time in 2014 it decided to include something unknown by many people in my country (Venezuela) which is Lolita , and myself was able to for the first time participate not only as a Lolita but also as a Spoke Model of a Venezuelan Brand : Bal Des Ifs (if you want to know more about these brands I will put a link at the end of this post) . This Fashion Show as I said before was created with great effort by our community , and so it turned out great ! not only we were able to spread the lolita fashion in the show but also we were able to meet different people , another important thing of this event is that we were able to learn from the mistakes made so that in the near future we won't do it again . Here I will post some photos of the event :

Name of the lolitas and by what was the coord inspired by from left to right : Elbereth Rojas (Tarot Card : Sun) ,Ana Chen ( Ilustration of Interview with the vampire by Anne Rice : Claudia) , Givana Rivas ( Sweet Lolita),Nathalie Barragan (Sandman) ,  Adriana Guevara (Captain Nemo) ,Betzabeth Telle (the witch of Hansel&Gretel), Glorybeth Rivas ( Gothic Lolita), Maria Lemus(Tarot Card:Temperance) , Miya (Piano&the cats) , Ariani Azuaje (Classic Lolita), May Moreno (Wa Lolita).

More Photos:



Photos of the stand :

Accessories of : Zashiki Store , Moza Kawaii , Bloody Mary Accesories , Golden Windrose .

Lolita Brands of Venezuela : Brands.

Home Page : Red Fairy

Individual photos from the event : Photos

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014


Ver el cuento en español Hadas y Colores .

  Hello ! , this post will be about a reinterpretation of a fairy tail book that I have read years ago and left in China unfortunately ... but it is the same structure . However I shall confess that most of the text is created by me , I hope that you really like it ~ here we go !

  Introduction :

  Magic and nature , have you ever thought of this combination ? .

  This fairy tale will be about stories of fairies of different color , and each color represent an ability , and of course these abilities will define their lifes , it does not have a description of each fairy , at first I was thinking about just making a library of fairies , but then I got more excited to talk about the story of each one , so I added personality to each one , I hope that you can enjoy these mini stories .

Stories :

-Yellow Fairy.
-Celestial Fairy.
-Red Fairy.
-Dark&White Fairy.
-Pink Fairy.
-Blue Fairy.
-Violet Fairy.
-Orange Fairy.
-Green Fairy.
-Gray Fairy.
-Brown Fairy.

  I will make an explanation of some definitions in "Fairies&Colors Library"

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Red Fairy

Hello everyone !
   My name is Ana , some people call me : Asuka .

   This blog will be about my lolita style and the lolita fashion in general , as said in the description .

   First of all readers of all around the world , let me explain what lolita is in general : Lolita is a subculture that has its origins in Japan , it mixes nowadays culture with the aristocratic dressing in past centuries , they are inspired mainly by these eras : Victorian and Roccoco .Also these are sometimes inspired by the Baroque era and the Edwardian era.

  Now I would like to talk a little bit about my first experience dressing as a lolita . First of all in my country which is Venezuela it doesn't exist any store that could sell these kind of clothes , so those lolitas that live in here , buy their dresses online abroad. I and my family have no dollars so I could not have the luxe to try a lolita dress , then being on a group of lolitas in my country on facebook , I discovered the Indie lolita brands in Venezuela that actually , with their sewing abilities they let me to wear for my first time in my life a lolita dress . I loved the result of the beautiful dress , it actually let me imagine that either I felt I was in a fairy tale or part of the XVIII century Europe . Here are some photos of the result :

  These photos were taken on the 12th of October of 2014 at PDVSA La Estancia in Caracas , Venezuela by Juan Marco Uztariz a Dandy* member of the lolita group in Venezuela which name of the group is "El palacio de las orquideas".

  By the way , the name of this blog " The world of the red fairy" , the red fairy is me . Red because is my favorite color , and fairy because my red graduation dress made me resemble a fairy.

I really hope you liked my first post , if you can help me to improve my blog please do , I will really appreciate it ^^

*Dandy and kodona are the male part of the lolita fashion .  It isn't necessarily designed only for male , female can also wear it .