
 A dark fairy turning into a white fairy , which is very rare , is that the only case ?

 There was once a green fairy , which she loved to annoy her friends , and also create nasty creatures with her ability . There was a pink fairy who always scolded her , the green fairy thought that she was a very annoying person , always following her of what she has to do , and one day she wanted to use her ability on the pink fairy , she took her to a far away place and then used the power on her , and then the pink fairy turned into a rock .

  The green fairy saw her hands and then she noticed that she was turning gray , she got afraid and then she started to use her ability again on non-living things , but it didn't worked , she ran away and hid somewhere far from the magical kingdom and then she used her ability on a frog and it turned into dust . She went again to the place where she turned the pink fairy and see if she could somehow turn her into a fairy again when she arrived she was already transformed into a fairy again by another green fairy .

  She felt that there was no going back to get back her ability of a green fairy again , and then she ran to the kingdom of nature , when she went on a cave there was the spirit of the earth .

-This place is my home - said the spirit .

-Well now is not - said the gray fairy and turned him into a diamond , she heard someone was coming and then she ran and hide , she saw a green fairy turning the diamond into the spirit again and in return he gave her gems .

  The gray fairy followed the green fairy and saw that she turned the gem into a cute creature , she kept staring at them until one night , she called the creature , she wanted to play with the little creature , but then it got afraid , when she touched it , it turned into a gem , the gray fairy was shocked , she could not control her powers anymore . There was someone coming and so she ran away again , she then hid forever into the kingdom of nature forever in solitude .

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